Issue #19 in 2018 year, 113-129

Argentinians in the Soviets Country

H. Tarcus

The Russian Revolution of 1917 had a strong impact on distant Argentina. Argentina, populated in previous decades with European migrants, had an organized and combative labor movement very early. Its leadership was disputed by the anarchists, the socialists and the revolutionary syndicalist. The Russian events were followed with great expectation by the great national newspapers, by the trade union press, by the newspapers of the different political currents and by the organs of the populous Russian-Jewish community. The pamphlets that came from Madrid, Barcelona or Montevideo, and were published in Buenos Aires, to that avid public reader the novelties of the Bolshevik doctrine. However, that reception of news and doctrines was insufficient. The anarchists, the trade unionists, the left socialists, the emerging communists, the leaders of the Russian community in Argentina sent their delegates to Moscow early, since 1920. The delegates, in competition with each other, had to represent their Argentine counterparts; they had to see, check the new social system, and return with reports and mandates; they were going to convince of the weight of their representation and their adhesion, and also to be convinced of the depth of the transformation in Russian. The present study analyzes the first travel stories of these delegates that were deployed in a span of fifteen years, from the arrival of Komin-Alexandrovsky to Moscow in August 1920 to that of Aníbal Ponce in December 1934.

Russian revolution of the 1917, Argentina, labor movement, anarchism, syndicalism, communism, travels books

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