Issue #31 in 2021 year, 106-125

International processes in Latin America: the legacy of the Comintern and new challenges

A. Andreev, D. Pravdiuk

The activities of the Third (Communist) International left a noticeable mark on the political history of Latin America. His ideological, organizational legacy remains a factor in shaping the theory and practice of contemporary leftist governments in the region. This article examines the impact of the legacy of the Comintern on international processes in Latin America, the development of integration projects, foreign policy projects of the left forces of the region. On the basis of archival documents, media materials, documents of parties and governments, the authors show which of the foreign policy guidelines of the Comintern are relevant for the region in the 21st century.

Comintern, the legacy of the Comintern, leftist movement in Latin America, leftist governments in Latin America.

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