Issue #32 in 2021 year, 50-77

WHY THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IS GREAT / DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2021-32-50-77

A. Shubin

According to the author, the revolution in Spain of 1931-1939 can be attributed to the number of "great revolutions" along with the Great French and Great Russian Revolutions. This characteristic is not applied evaluatively, but as characterizing the depth and impact on world processes. The author shows that the revolution in Spain in 1936-1937 reached the maximum social depth for the twentieth century, extending democracy to the sphere of production, which became an unprecedented phenomenon. The author polemizes with those historians who see syndicalist social transformations as the reason for the collapse of the industry of the Spanish Republic. The author cites statistical and archival data that refute this myth and show that the industrial democracy sector contributed to the growth of arms production and the maintenance of production. What makes this revolution great is also the international significance of the events in Spain, which became the first major battle with fascism, the beginning of an epic that ended with the defeat of fascism in 1945 - although not in Spain. Arguing with Russian and Spanish historians, the author dwells on the ratio of internal and external factors during the war, provides factual data on the size of Soviet military aid and its dynamics, which allows us to assess its significance in the struggle in Spain and the weight of events in Spain for the pre-war situation. Due to its depth and international significance, the revolution of 1931-1939 occupies a significant place in the history of not only Spain and Europe, but also the world, its lessons remain important for the XXI century.

The Great Spanish Revolution, Civil War and intervention in Spain, anarcho-syndicalism, Soviet military aid, Largo Caballero, Negrin, Stalin, Antonov-Ovseenko.

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