Issue #32 in 2021 year, 78-90


Á. Viñas

The origin of the civil war is a central theme in the history of Spain in the 20th century and has given rise to intense debates. In the author's opinion, it was the result of the combination of structural conditions (economic and social underdevelopment, accelerated modernization process, resistance to it), all necessary, but not sufficient. The latter were determined by two factors: the existence of a conspiracy against the Spanish Republic since its very advent in 1931 and the inability of the republican governments to effectively cut it off in 1936. They did not know how to do so despite all the measures adopted but, at the same time Dessert, they could not either because from the first years of his life his monarchical adversaries had the help of fascist Italy. This was gradually materializing until an agreement was reached in March 1934, well known, but also very disfigured. It was the unequivocal signal that Mussolini was willing to curtail the republican experience in Spain in order to establish fascist influence in the western Mediterranean. The unequivocal signal was given in October 1935, in parallel with the invasion of Abyssinia. In June 1936, after victory, he turned again to Spain. His commitment materialized in contracts for the supply of war material, for a short war, on July 1 of the same year. The author has uncovered one of the most disfigured enigmas of the origin of the civil war.

España, Franco, Guerra Civil Española, Italia fascista, Mussolini

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