Issue #32 in 2021 year, 108-117


N. Anikeeva

The article analyzes the priorities of Spanish foreign policy during the Second Republic. It was proclaimed in Spain after the municipal elections. Then King Alphonse XIII was forced to leave the country and announced that he did not give up his rights to the Spanish throne. As for the priorities of foreign policy during the Second Republic, the author states that Spain at that time showed a lack of interest in international problems, as was the case under the dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbanehi. On October 14, 1931, the head of the government, Manuel Azaña y Díaz, after the resignation of the Provisional Government of Niceto Alcala Zamora, emphasized that “foreign policy is inherited from regime to regime”. During this period, the European direction became the main one in foreign policy. The fundamental interests of the Spanish state revolved around the classical "axis" of the Mediterranean, Great Britain, France, Italy. In the period from the end of 1935. and until the summer of 1936. the priority of domestic political problems over foreign ones was observed. Since the acuteness of internal tension associated with the Spanish Civil War has made adjustments to the principles proclaimed by the governments of the Second Republic.

Spain, the Second Republic, foreign policy, priorities

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