Issue #32 in 2021 year, 149-168


P. Buchbinder

The aim of the article is to study the repercussions of the beginning of the Spanish Second Republic and the rebellion of July 18 in various Latin American countries. The cases of Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are studied in particular. These repercussions are analyzed in the framework of the rise of dictatorial and authoritarian governments in most of these countries with the exception of Mexico since the early 1930s. The way in which governments, the Spanish immigrant communities and the different social groups in these countries acted in the face of both episodes are studied. The repercussions generated by the anticlerical policy of the first government of the second republic are analyzed, especially in the face of the dissolution of the company of Jesus and the introduction of secular education. The tensions that these policies provoked in Argentina and Chile and the support that the second republic obtained in Mexico are analyzed. On the other hand, the way in which the news of the uprising of July 18, 1936 was received is studied. The support for the army by the governments of Uruguay and Chile and, again, the support that the Spanish legal government obtained in Mexico is analyzed. 

Latin America, Spain, Republic, Civil War, Franquism, Popular Front

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