Issue #33 in 2022 year, 46-66

The Evolution of the Chilean Right at the beginning of the Cold War: Estanquero Magazine and Chilean Nationalism DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2022-33-1-46-66

A. Schelchkov

The history of right-wing political forces in Chile is an important part of the history of this country. The ideological and organizational identity of the right in Chile is of greater historiographical interest. This work is devoted to a little-studied stage in the formation of the “new right” in Chile at the beginning of the Cold War. It analyzes the ideological and political platform of a group of right-wing politicians and publicists united around the magazine “Estanquero”, headed by Jorge Prat, a prominent figure of the right sector. This group united the dissidents of traditional right-wing and proto-fascist groups, becoming a link between the conservatives and nationalists who were experiencing a crisis and the “new right”, which became the dominant force in the country in the 70-80s.

corporativism, right forces, authoritarianism, anti-communism, Jorge Prat, Chile

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