Issue #33 in 2022 year, 87-99

Постколониальный синдром. Бразилия – Португалия: двусторонние отношения DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2022-33-1-87-99

N. Konstantinova

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of postcolonial syndrome in Brazil and Portugal, which is considered in the context of Portuguese-Brazilian relations: their past, "privilege", conflicts, prospects. Diversified contacts between Portugal and Brazil became the subject of research for a reason: these are the leading states of the Commonwealth of Portuguese-speaking countries, which have serious cultural and economic potential, and play an important role in world politics. The material clarifies the fundamental and opportunistic reasons that determine the nature of these relations and, of course, has not only a theoretical aspect, but also practical significance in the light of the assessment of cooperation between the two countries. It can be useful in the development of appropriate cultural policy at the level of government, public and educational institutions. The novelty is due to the very theme: Portuguese-Brazilian ties in various spheres of life are actively developing and constantly require rethinking and a new look.

Brazil, Portugal, postcolonial syndrome, Portuguese-Brazilian ties, Com-monwealth of Portuguese-speaking countries

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