Issue #33 in 2022 year, 100-121

The presidential elections of 2021 and the beginning of a new political cycle in Chile DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2022-33-1-100-121

L. Diyakova

The article analyzes the problems and specifics of the modern political process in Chile, the electoral campaign of 2021 and the results of the presidential elections that brought victory to the leader of the left-wing radical coalition, Gabriel Borich. Special attention is paid to the crisis of centrism as an ideological and political trend in Chilean politics, the new alignment of political forces on the eve of national elections, the programs and problematic points of the main candidates. The author examines the reasons for the increasing influence of radical ideologies (both on the left and on the right side of the political spectrum), the results of the protest movement in 2019, the role of the constitutional process and the prospects for the implementation of the large-scale social agenda of the elected president. The article highlights significant risks and challenges caused by mass public expectations and hopes for achieving the ideals of social justice and equality.

Chile, Gabriel Borich, Jose Antonio Kast, radical left movements, protest movement of 2019, social justice

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