Issue #33 in 2022 year, 170-204

From the Growth to the Marginalization: The Communist Party of Mexico and Trade Unions in the Second Half of the 1930s DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2022-33-1-170-204

V. Jeifets

The article deals with the analysis of the evolution of the relationship between the left movement and the Mexican Communist Party in the context of the policy of the Comintern and the domestic policy implemented by Mexican President Lazaro Cardenas. The author focused on the relationship between the CPM and the Confederation of Workers of Mexico, showing how the understanding of the essence of trade union unity by the communists was changing and how this evolution led to a change in the situation within the trade union movement in general and within the CTM in particular. The vision of the Popular Front by the communists (in conjunction with the development of the labor movement) of the country and the role played by the Comintern in changing this vision were also considered. In addition, the author links the events of the 1930s. with the beginning of the formation of long-term trends in the labor and trade union movement in Mexico in the following decades.

Left-Wing Movement, Mexico, trade unions, Confederation of Workers of Mexico, Communist Party of Mexico; “Unity at any Cost” policy.

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