Bernabe Moreno de Vargas about of the Signs of Distinction (XVIIth)
In the heraldic treatise of B. Moreno de Vargas «Discursos de la nobleza de España» one of the chapters is devoted to the differences that exist between the coats of arms. These are additional, off-board signs that can be called group signs. In family coats of arms, insignia appeared as signs of civil and military dignity. They also have cities, communities and structures, for example, courts. They are built on a different, non-medieval concept of signs of discrimination. Theoretically, the use of signs of distinction from the New Time was regulated, but in practice the system is not built.
Faria A. Machado de. António Soares de Albergaria. Heraldista do século XVII // Tombo Histórico Genealógico de Portugal. Lisboa, 1928.
Moreno de Vargas B. Discursos de la nobleza de España. Madrid, 1622; 2a ed. Madrid En la imprenta de Don Antonio Espinosa, 1795. P. 182–183.
Norton M.A. A Heráldica em Portugal. Raízes, Simbologias, e Expressões Histórico-Culturais. Vol. I. Lisboa, 2004.
Rodrigues A. Tratado geral da nobreza. Apresentação de Afonso de Dornelas. Porto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, 1931.
São Paio Marquês de. Do direito heráldico português // Archivo do Conselho Nobiliarchico de Portugal. Vol. 3. Lisboa, 1928. P. 55–122.