Almanaque histórico latinoamericano No.34

Tchernikh A. |
Bernabe Moreno de Vargas about of the Signs of Distinction (XVIIth)…….. |
7 |
Kretov S. |
The evolution of approaches to the integration of the indigenous population into social processes in Latin American countries in the XV-XX centuries….………………....…..…............ |
19 |
Ivkina L.A. |
In Search of National Identity: Colombia's Constitutional Acts of the Era of Radical Liberalism (1853–1863)…. |
45 |
Vovk A.Yu. |
«Krasny Cyprienets – camp wall newspaper of Russian emigrants»…………. |
74 |
Domínguez RubioL. |
Against the sphinxes without enigmas: the magazine “Minerva” (1944-1945) by Mario Bunge and the development of a philosophical tradition in Argentina |
90 |
Savchenko A.V. |
Erico Sachs and “Política Operária”..... |
119 |
Kudeyarova N. |
Conditions and practice of anti-corruption policy in Paraguay. Farewell to stroessnerismo?.........………... |
148 |
Dabagyan E.S. |
Hugo Chavez – a leader of universal magnitude…………………………... |
172 |
Kalashnikov N.V.,Morozov D. V. |
Nicaragua: from “consensus” model towards authoritarianism………...…. |
193 |
Okuneva L.S. |
Brazil from 2018 elections to 2022 elections: new internal political course (2019-2022) and electoral process………………………………........... |
217 |
Medina González V.J. |
Trends and prospects for the development of Ecuadorian-Russian relations (2017-2022)………………………….. |
265 |
- A. Tchernikh - Bernabe Moreno de Vargas about of the Signs of Distinction (XVIIth) - 7-18
- S. Kretov - The evolution of approaches to the integration of the indigenous population into social processes in Latin American countries in the XV-XX centuries. - 19-44
- L. Ivkina - In Search of National Identity: Colombia's Constitutional Acts of the Era of Radical Liberalism (1853–1863) - 45-73
- A. Y. Vovk - «Krasny Cyprienets – camp wall newspaper of Russian emigrants» - 74-89
- L. Domínguez Rubio - Contra las esfinges sin enigmas: la revista “Minerva” (1944-1945) de Mario Bunge y la conformación de una tradición filosófica en Argentina - 90-118
- S. Alexandr - Erico Sachs and “Política Operária” - 119-147
- N. Kudeyarova - Conditions and practice of anti-corruption policy in Paraguay. Farewell to stroessnerismo? - 148-171
- E. Dabagyan - Hugo Chavez – a leader of universal magnitude - 172-192
- D. Morozov, K. Nikolai - Nicaragua: from “consensus” model to-wards authoritarianism - 193-216
- L. Okuneva - Brazil from 2018 elections to 2022 elections: new internal political course (2019-2022) and electoral process - 217-264
- V. Medina Gonzalez - Trends and prospects for the development of Ecuadorian-Russian relations (2017-2022) - 265-277