Erico Sachs and “Política Operária”
The article analyzes the theory and practice of the “Workers’ Politics” (Política Operária, POLOP) that existed in Brazil from 1961 to the early 1980s, examines POLOP's criticism of the ideology of the Brazilian Communist Party and the influence of POLOP ideas on the Brazilian revolutionary movement of the 1960s, in the context of whose evolution the history of POLOP is shown. Much attention is given to the biography of POLOP leader Eric Sachs. In the early 1960s, the Brazilian left movement was dominated by the idea of the Communist Party that the country was still dominated by semi-feudal relations, so the Brazilian revolution would be bourgeois-democratic, with the national bourgeoisie as its natural ally for the proletariat. By polemicizing this idea, POLOP proved that capitalism had already prevailed in the country, so the Brazilian revolution would be socialist, or it would not be a revolution. The POLOP concept triumphed in the Brazilian revolutionary movement of the 1960s. This concept was developed in the ranks of POLOP both by its leader, Vienna-born Eric Sachs, who was greatly influenced by the ideas of the "right-wing opposition" theorist in the German Communist Party, Talheimer, and by Teotonio dos Santos, Ruy Mauro Marini and Vania Bambirra, who were part of POLOP in its early years and would soon become the founders of the theory of dependent capitalism.
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