Número #34 del 2022 año, 148-171

Conditions and practice of anti-corruption policy in Paraguay. Farewell to stroessnerismo?

N. Kudeyarova

The paper treats the A.Stroessner’s era political heritage elements. The author notes that the political system modernization was successful. That is primarily reflected in the electoral procedures stability. At the same time, corruption, which has been essentially institutionalized under an authoritarian regime, remains an important factor in public life. Despite the political system modernization, the facts of privileged access to resources and influence trading are still a routine practice. They rather caused irritation than result in specific anti-corruption actions until the current electoral cycle when anti-corruption activities have become an instrument of political struggle. The pressure of civil society actions helped to start the corruption investigation by the relevant authorities. The legislative and executive officials both on the national and regional level are under scrutiny. The article examines the conditions that led to the implementation of the anti-corruption request.

Palabras claves:
Paraguay, political modernization, corruption, impeachment, Triple Border

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