Issue #34 in 2022 year, 265-277

Trends and prospects for the development of Ecuadorian-Russian relations (2017-2022)

V. Medina Gonzalez

The article discusses the features of the development of Ecuadorian-Russian relations, especially in the period from 2017 to the present. Various vectors of cooperation were studied: political, investment, trade, cultural, educational, technological, etc. It was noted that since 2017 there has been active political cooperation, within the framework of which a number of documents regulating Ecuadorian-Russian relations have been signed and a number of intergovernmental contacts have been made; implemented a number of investment projects; increased volumes of foreign trade; cultural events are held on a regular basis; contacts in the educational sphere are expanding. The article also highlights the main problems in the development of bilateral relations between and defines the prospects for Ecuadorian-Russian cooperation. Among the problems that hinder the furthermore active development of Ecuadorian-Russian relations are: the growing interest on the part of the new government of Ecuador to expand contacts in various areas with the United States; logistical problems of transporting Ecuadorian exports to Russia; the consequences of the pandemic of the new coronavirus Covid-2019, which led to the closure of borders, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, problems for business entities. It is concluded that the pace of development of Ecuadorian-Russian cooperation will depend on the stabilization of the socio-political situation in Ecuador; strengthening or, conversely, weakening the influence of the United States in Ecuador; economic situation in the world; initiatives of Ecuadorian and Russian partners; as well as a number of other factors. In general, it is possible to predict the further development of cooperation between Ecuador and Russia, since various benefits from these relations have been noted for both the Ecuadorian and Russian sides. It was noted that for Russia the Latin American region is of strategic importance, and therefore the strengthening of the initiative on the part of Russia can be observed in the very near future.

bilateral relations, Russia, Ecuador, political cooperation, foreign trade, cultural and educational cooperation

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