Issue #36 in 2022 year, 39-58

Enemies of the left movement in the perception of the Spanish communists: media aspect

A. Bodyashkin

The article reveals the construction of enemies’ image in the Spanish communist newspaper Mundo Obrero, an example of leftist media. The author analyses the long tradition of media conflict with right-wing groups and partially refutes the thesis about ignoring the topic of the Francoist regime after the Spanish Amnesty Law (1977). The work also contains a description of the main categories of "enemies" of the newspaper Mundo Obrero, as well as a description and classification of ideological metaphors used to label the opponents of modern Spanish communists in the period 2017-2021. The collected data lead to the thesis about the importance of the image of the enemy in the context of a blurred leftist identity.

Spain, leftists, Mundo Obrero, Spanish Amnesty Law, The Pact of Forgetting, metaphor, enemies, identity, Francoism

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