Issue #37 in 2023 year, 7-29

Latifundia in the colonial Rio-de-la-Plata

V. Kazakov

The History of argentine latifundia is an important part of the history of Argentina and is of greater historiographical interest. This work is devoted to the earlier stage in the formation of latifundism in the colonial Rio-dе-lа-Plata. The author focuses on the main picture of agrarian regime: development and transformation of livestock economy throughout the colonial period from vaqueria – extractive hunting expedition to the proliferation of estancias on the Buenos Aires pampas. It analyzes colonial estancia production; labour –free labour force and forced labour – slaves. It indicates that despite the expansion of the livestock economy, land exploitation continued to be a secondary activity. The great merchants of Buenos Aires made their profits not by exploiting the products of the country – but by importing consumes goods from Spain. Much surplus capital was reinvested in commerce livestock economy held little interest for merchants. The great estates became the dominant force in the country after the war for independence.

Rio-de la-Plata, Buenos Aires, pampa, latifundism, vaqueria, colonial estancia, gaucho, peon, slave

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