Virtual dialogue on the rural family in post-restructuring times in Cuba (2002-2022)
The article constructs a fictitious dialogue between the author and a group of 17 former sugar workers interviewed in various parts of the country between 2004 and 2015 about the closure of sugar mills officially decreed in 2002. The fragments, selected from a group of longer testimonies, are ordered according to a temporal logic that aspires to reflect the three great moments of that complex process of restructuring an industry that had been until now the main support of the economy: the first comprises until the beginning of the process, the second, the relatively brief time during which the order to close, dismantle and redistribute the equipment and goods was executed, the third what was left later. The raw emotions of the witnesses interviewed do not require any scientific explanation to be understood by the reader.
Abrams L. Oral History Theory. London: Routledge, 2010.
Hobbs D. The Cuban Sugar Restructuring Program (2002-2004): A Case Study Of Artemisa, Cuba. Graduate Program In Geography, Toronto, Ontario , York University, 2005.
Rathbone J.P. The Sugar King of Havana. The Rise and fall of Julio Lobom Cuabn Last Tycon, London: Penguin Books, 2010.
Reflexiones sobre economía cubana / Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva, compilador, La Habana: Ed. Ciencias Sociales, 2006.
Voces Cubanas: Una Historia Oral. Entrevista de Ana Vera a Elizabeth Dore // Revista Palabras y silencios