Issue #38 in 2023 year, 50-85

Constitutional acts of Cuba during the liberation wars of the last third of the 19th century (1868-1898)

L. Ivkina

The liberation struggle of the Cuban people against Spanish domination, which unfolded in the last third of the XIX century, was a logical continuation of the national liberation process that began in Latin America at the beginning of the nineteenth century. There are two most important stages in this struggle: the Ten Yearʹs War for Independence of 1868–1878, which ended with the signing of the compromise Treaty of Zanjon (a treaty without independence), and the War of 1895–1898, the "Necessary War", as its leader José Martí described it, interrupted by the intervention of the United States in the liberation process in 1898 and the outbreak of the Spanish-American War (April 25 / August 12, 1898), which ended with the elimination of Spanish domination and the creation in 1902 of the so-called "pseudo-republic" (1902–1934). During the years of the Liberation Struggle of 1868–1898, constitutional acts were created that testified to the social orientation of these processes. During the Ten Year's War, important political acts such as the Manifest of Independence (October 10, 1868) proclaimed by C.M. de Céspedes, the Constitution of Guaymaro (April 1869) and the Constitution of Baraguá (March 17, 1878) were adopted. During the liberation struggle of 1895–1898, two constitutions were created: Jimaguayú (September 16, 1895) and Yaya (October 29, 1897). The analysis of the constitutional acts of the era of the liberation struggle became the subject of our research.

The Ten Year's War of Independence of 1868–1878, the War of Independence of 1895–1898, the Spanish-American War of 1898, the Manifesto of Independence, the constitutions of Guáymaro, Baraguá, Jimaguayú, Yaya.

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