Issue #38 in 2023 year, 86-120

The evolution of the image of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in Pilar Primo de Rivera's narrative

. Samsonova

After the First World War, the role of women in European societies increased markedly and their position began to change fundamentally. In the context of the history of women's movements of the past century, the political figure of Franco Spain, Pilar Primo de Rivera, and the Women's Section of the Spanish Falange, which she founded and led, are important objects of study. This paper examines Pilar Primo de Rivera's ideas, specifically identifying the significance of José Antonio Primo de Rivera for the Women's Section and tracing its evolution in Pilar Primo de Rivera's writings.

Spain, Francoism, Falangism, the Spanish Falange, the Wom-en's Section, Pilar Primo de Rivera, the image of José Antonio Primo de Rivera

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