Issue #38 in 2023 year, 170-195

The Student Movement in Colombia: 1945-1991

K. Bogdanov

The author was analyzing the history of the students’ movement in Colombia with a purpose to identify the characteristic features of this movement in the context of the history of the left movement in that country. The Colombian leftists (the Revolutionary Socialist party later on transformed into the Communist Party) tried to establish contacts with the youth movement, however, this area of activities was not among Party’s priorities and these labor ceased soon. Consequently, the special place in the manuscript is given to the research of the students’ movement since 1948, a date when the studentship managed to enforce its influence and positions in political life of Colombia. The traditions of the students’ movement and its international links were also in the focus of the research. The author comes to the conclusion about correlation between the growing of popularity of leftist ideas in the country with the attitudes of the students’ movement.

students, Colombia, leftist movement, student organizations, social protest

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