Issue #40 in 2023 year, 20-39

The Information Junta (1866–1867): Hopes and Disappointments. Spain and Cuba on the eve of the Ten Years' War of Independence of 1868–1878

L. Ivkina

The Information Junta or Commission for Reform (1866–1867), convened at the initiative of Spain and supported by supporters of reforms of colonial administration in Cuba and Puerto Rico, was called upon to discuss issues related to the liberalization of the colonial regime in the Spanish colonies, the abolition of the wartime regime introduced in 1825, and the so-called "special laws" established by Article 80 of the Constitution of 1837, which excluded Cuban deputies from participation in the Spanish Parliament, to consider the regulation of the labour of the coloured population of the island and of Asians, and the means of attracting free white immigration, as well as those connected with navigation and trade with other countries, and the imposition of customs duties. This was the first attempt at dialogue between the mother country and its colonies. Meetings of the Information Junta, held from October 30, 1866 to April 1867, revealed serious disagreements between Cuban and Puerto Rican deputies over the issue of slavery, as well as within the camp of Cuban reformist politicians over proposed political reforms to colonial administration. The activities of the Information Junta and its results became the subject of research in the proposed article.

Information Junta, Commission for Reform, slavery, J. A. Sako, Spain, Cuba, Failed Dialogue, Ten Years' War of Independence 1868-1878.

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