Issue #40 in 2023 year, 173-193

Illusory Unity: The Contradictions of the Left in Contemporary Bolivia

T. Vorotnikova

The article reviews the backgrounds and prerequisites of the actual split into two actions within the ruling party «Movement for Socialism» (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) in Bolivia, that are the fraction of «evistas» (who supports Evo Morales) and the one of «arcistas» (who supports Luis Arce). The evolution of the party is considered since Evo Morales took presidential office in 2005, including the crucial for the ruling elites loss of power during the crisis of 2019, electoral victory in the 2020 of the candidate from MAS Luis Arce, as well as the results of the regional elections 2021, up to the present. It reveals the particular interdependence between the political apparatus, trade unions and public organizations, that predetermined the vulnerability of intra-party interrelation.

left movement, Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), Luis Arce, Evo Morales, Plurinational State of Bolivia

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