Número #42 del 2024 año, 7-29

The impact of the liberation struggle in Cuba on the formation of Catalan nationalism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

N. Kuzina

The article presents a study of the role of Cuba and its influence on the Catalan national movement in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Complex socio-political processes, identity formation, and the development of separatist ideas in the context of Catalan-Cuban relations were analyzed. Catalonia supported the Spanish government and Castilian nationalism as long as it held colonies, pursued protectionist policies, and acted in the interest of Catalan capital. The catastrophe of 1898 had a significant impact on Catalan nationalism, prompting the development of the idea of regional independence and its desire for greater autonomy. Special attention is paid to the role of Catalan emigrants in Cuba, their influence on the formation of separatist organizations, and financial support for the independence movement. The study also highlights the importance of cultural exchanges between Catalonia and Cuba in preserving Catalan identity. It also underscores the key role of Catalan emigrants in the development of Catalan nationalism and the struggle for autonomy, as well as their contribution to the creation of the 1932 Statut of Catalonia.

Palabras claves:
Catalonia, Cuba, nationalism, Ten Years' War, Spanish-American War, separatism, Francesc Macia

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