Issue #43 in 2024 year, 7-28

The Sexenio Democrático (1868–1874) and Catalan Nationalism

G. Filatov

The Sexenio Democrático of 1868–1874 became a key stage in the development of Catalan nationalism. During this period, its main figures actively participated in pan-Spanish politics. They were part of the federalist movement, striving for the decentralization of Spain. Within the framework of this movement, Catalan intellectuals headed the most radical faction of the “intransigente”, fighting for granting the Spanish regions the maximum possible rights. However, their maximalist position did not find support among the majority of Spanish politicians, even their fellow party members. The proclamation of the republic, which was supposed to become a federation, brought new disappointment: the presented draft constitution did not meet the expectations of the radicals. The collapse of the Republic and the restoration of the monarchy finally buried hopes for the federalization of Spain. The experience of the Sexenio Democrático demonstrated to Catalan intellectuals that, regardless of the form of government, their projects for broad autonomy for the regions would not receive wide support. Disappointment with pan-Spanish federalism led Catalan figures to create an independent Catalan movement.

Spain, Catalanism, federalism, First Spanish Republic, Valentí Almirall, Francesc Pi i Margall, the Sexenio Democrático.

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