Issue #43 in 2024 year, 180-198

Drug trafficking in Latin America: from the colonial period to the emergence of transnational organized crime

V. Belskiy

This article examines the development of drug trafficking and organized crime in Latin America, from the pre-colonial period to the legislative measures of the 20th century. The study is grounded in ethnobotanical data on the distribution of psychoactive plants among the continent's peoples before the onset of European colonization. It posits that colonial interventions not only facilitated the spread of plants containing narcotic substances but also laid the groundwork for the emergence of international drug trafficking, including its interconnection with global socio-economic transformations. Understanding the historical context is crucial for analyzing contemporary issues of international crime and drug trafficking, as well as for developing effective resolution strategies. Thus, the article contributes to the theoretical foundation of international relations and global politics, expanding our comprehension of the influence of historical processes on contemporary global challenges.

Drug trafficking, Organized crime, colonial influence, Latin America, Indigenous peoples, international relations, Psycho-active plants, Global transformations

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