Issue #43 in 2024 year, 199-221

Cooperation between the European Union and Brazil on health and environmental issues

V. Olkhovskaya

In the article examines the cooperation between the European Union and Brazil in the fields of healthcare and environmental protection, which represents a key aspect of their interaction, encompassing areas with a significant impact on society's well-being and the preservation of natural resources and ecosystems on the planet. This article explores the opportunities and challenges of cooperation between the EU and Brazil in healthcare and environmental protection, with a focus on their shared strategic priorities. The author highlights an important factor: the new government of Brazil, led by L. da Silva, raises the issue of the alignment of Brazil's policy with EU priorities and its commitment to post-pandemic development and sustainable green growth. The article covers both existing programs and initiatives and potential prospects for Brazilian-European cooperation, emphasizing how such collaboration can contribute to European support for ensuring a sustainable future for Brazil as a representative of the Global South. It is argued that for successful cooperation, the parties must focus on finding compromises and incentives to combat deforestation, promote environmental security, and achieve post-pandemic sustainable development. The author underscores the need to deepen cooperation between Brazil and the EU through the use of multilateral platforms, including the revival of regular "EU-Brazil" summits to develop a common agenda and enhance mutual understanding.

cooperation, European Union, Brazil, environmental protection, healthcare, sustainable development, environmental policy, post-pandemic development, deforestation, strategic partnership

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