Número #16 del 2016 año, 7-37


S. Serulnikov

The article traces the ideological foundations of the indigenous rebellion led by Tomás Katari in the Upper Peruvian province Chayanta between 1777 y 1780. It begins by exploring the political framework of peasant collective actions by focusing on the jurisdictional disputes within the imperial bureaucracy. Then, it shows how the Indians’ consistent pursuit of limited, “reformist” objectives undermined the political basis of Spanish authority. The aftermath of this process, the upheaval that took place in the town of Pocoata at the end of August 1780, is addressed in the third section. It traces the final transfiguration of traditional rituals of colonial rule into acts of political subversion.

Palabras claves:
Indigenous rebellions, XVIII Century Andean history, Spanish jus-tice, European colonialism, Tomas Katari, Chayanta province

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