Issue #16 in 2016 year, 280-305


A. Schelchkov

 Comintern activities in the 1930s in Latin America, faced with the emergence of a "dissident" in movement in he communism, the Trotskyism. In some countries, such as Bolivia, Trotskyism gained a much greater influence than communist parties and groups, recognized by Moscow and the Committer. The focus of this article is the appearance of the Trotskyist movement in Bolivia in 1930s, the first generation of the  Bolivian trotskists politician, giving a rise to a powerful political movement in this country. Trotskyism have won a huge impact on Bolivian politics of the second half of the twentieth century.

Trotskyism, Comintern, Bolivia, Tristan Marof, José Aguirre Gainsborg, Latinamercian communist movement

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