Issue #21 in 2019 year, 34-41

Problems of the slave trade and state borders in Europe at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815

E. Larin

The Congress of Vienna, held in the capital of Austria-Hungary in September 1814 – June 1815, was the largest event in the world diplomatic history of the XIXth century. Almost all heads of European States, except Turkey participated in it. Congress was convened to resolve issues related to the end of the Napoleonic wars, the prohibition of the slave trade, a number of smaller, but of course, significant issues, such as the Saxon-Polish question, a number of Italian problems and the issues of the German Union. The tone at the Congress was set by the delegations of England, Austria, Prussia and Russia. This article focuses on the position of England.

Congress of Vienna, England, slave trade and the problems of the New World colonies, prohibition of the slave trade, France, Russia, Alexander I, Talleyrand, Castlereagh, Louis XVIII

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