Issue #21 in 2019 year, 207-239

NKVD in the Spanish Civil War (Part 2)

A. Fedorov

The history of the participation of the NKVD in the Spanish Civil War is still a highly politicized topic, on which the authors of various political convictions often speculate. In this regard, the historiography of this issue is full of inaccuracies, errors and outright myths. In the first part of this article, we covered some of the important issues on this topic, such as the May events of 1937 and political assassinations. The second part deals with such topics as the operation to export part of the Spanish gold reserves to the USSR; the creation of sabotage groups to work in the rear of the francoists; participation in the creation of the special services of the Republic, as well as the participation of political repression.

NKVD, anarchists, POUM, Barcelona, Сomintern

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