Issue #20 in 2018 year, 205-236


V. Kazakov

The article analyzes the works of Soviet Latino-Americans Volkov, Sinani, Miroshevsky, Modzhinskaya, Naumov, Tanin in the 1920–1930 years. Special attention is paid to their appreciation of the social economic structure of Argentine, the role of foreign capital and latifundism. According to the Soviet Latino-Americans the social economic structure based on foreign capital and latifundism was an obstacle to the progressive development of Argentine and other Latins. Latifundism was heritage left by Spain. They proclaimed that the main cause of conservation of latifundism was that War of Independence had not been transformed into bourgeois revolution. Latin-American countries conquered independence but not capitalist development that caused conservation of semifeudal agrarian regime and further expansion of foreign capital. As a result the Latin-American countries became semicolonies. Instead of Spanish rule appeared imperialist domination especially of Great Britain and United States. The remedy proposed was the realization of antiimperialist, agrarian, bourgeois democratic revolution

Argentina, imperialism, latifundio, dependence, social economic structure, Comintern

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