Issue #20 in 2018 year, 267-285

Svetlana Petrovna Pozharskaya and actual problems of the Spanish history of the twentieth century

E. Grantseva

This article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the historian Svetlana Petrovna Pozharskaya (1928-2010), the largest national specialist in the problems of the New and Recent History of Spain. S.P. Pozharskaya devoted all her life to the development of Spanish research at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and raised more than one generation of russian specialists in Spanish history. The work highlights the life path of S.P. Pozharskaya, analyzes the main circle of scientific questions that interested her and their correlation with actual problems of Spanish history, presented in the works of russian historians

S.P. Pozharskaya, Spain, historiography, history of the ХХth century, Spanish civil war 1936-1939, Francoism

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