PhD (History), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor of the State Academic University for the Humanities
- The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party: 145 years of history and new challenges - Issue #44 in 2024 year, 259-277
- In memory of Aquilino Mata Mier, Honorary President of Association of Republican Pilots (Delegation Catalonia-North-Balearic Islands) - Issue #41 in 2024 year, 188-208
- Monumental art in the context of historical memory: the fate of the works of Juan de Avalos in Spain and Paraguay (coauthor - N. Kudeyarova ) - Issue #40 in 2023 year, 194-224
- Тhе University City in Madrid in the memorial context of the Second Spanish Republic - Issue #38 in 2023 year, 150-169
- The law of democratic memory in Spain: an attempt at consolidation or a new phase of conflict? - Issue #36 in 2022 year, 76-111
- Oases in the desert? Intellectual journals of the early years of Francoism - Issue #35 in 2022 year, 276-293
- THE SECOND SPANISH REPUBLIC IN SOVIET AND RUSSIAN STUDIES: SPECIFICITY, PROBLEMS, INTERPRETATIONS / DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2021-32-1-324-368 - Issue #32 in 2021 year, 324-368
- Colombia of the 20th century: the history of the country in the history of cinema - Issue #29 in 2021 year, 196-215
- COLLOQUIUM: Right-authoritarian regimes of Iberoamerica: institutions and practices (coauthors - N. Kuzina , G. Filatov, A. Schelchkov ) - Issue #28 in 2020 year, 237-299
- Anarchist cinema in Spain and Historical Memory DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-27-1-193-202 - Issue #27 in 2020 year, 193-202
- AN IDEOLOGY CAPTURED IN ARCHITECTURE. VALLEY OF THE FALLEN AND OTHER PROJECTS OF THE FRANCO REGIME DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2019-24-1-105-122 - Issue #24 in 2019 year, 105-122
- The Spanish cinema during the Franco years: from state order to resistance to the regime DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-254-276 - Issue #23 in 2019 year, 254-276
- Is an agreement possible? Historical memory of the events of the 20th century in the daily life and legislation of modern Spain - Issue #19 in 2018 year, 316-336
- Svetlana Petrovna Pozharskaya and actual problems of the Spanish history of the twentieth century - Issue #20 in 2018 year, 267-285