Issue #20 in 2018 year, 338-357


A. Glazov

The author of the article deals with the problem of how was the operation of Spanish-language editorial office of Radio Moscow organized during World War II. This is the first scientific paper on the issue within the framework of domestic and foreign historiography. Firstly, the author answers the question: what was the contribution made by new editorial staff members (native Spanish speakers) in 1939–1945 to improving the quality of Radio Moscow’s broadcasts in Spanish? Then he determines the place of Spanish-language editorial office in the organizational structure of Radio Moscow and analyzes general aspects of its work during the war. The article is based on a number of unpublished documents of Radio Moscow and the Comintern from Russian state archives. Special attention of the author is also paid to the published memories of Spanish communists who worked at Radio Moscow in wartime

the USSR, Francoist Spain, World War II, radio broadcasting in Spanish, Radio Moscow, the Comintern, the Communist Party of Spain

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