Issue #25 in 2020 year, 164-174

Brazil and Russia: fashion in the context of national identity DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-25-1-164-174

N. Konstantinova

author examines modern Brazilian and Russian fashion in the context of the problem of national identity. The popularity of the brand "made in Brazil" in the world and in Russia is emphasized and the reasons for this popularity are analysed. Particular attention is paid to the process of the formation of the Brazilian national identity in previous historical eras and to modern ideas about this complex phenomenon. The text features a new view of Brazilian designers on national fashion in line with globalization processes taking place in the world. The reasons for the success of Brazilian fashion in the Russian market, which was launched by the Brazilian Fashion Exhibition held in 2004 in Moscow, are revealed. Thanks to this event, the Russian business community got acquainted with the leading manufacturers of the Brazilian fashion industry and made contacts that contributed to bilateral cooperation in this area. The author also briefly dwells on the background and current state of Russian fashion, emphasizing the desire of its creators to contribute to strengthening national traditions and national identity. It is justified the possibility and necessity of using fashion as a soft power with the aim of promoting the positive images of both countries, which will further strengthen the relationship between them

Brazil, Russia, fashion, national identity

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