Issue #26 in 2020 year, 249-271

Anti-imperialism as an unifying principle of the modern Latin American leftists DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-26-1-249-274

R. Koustiuk

The article is devoted to the analysis of the approaches of modern Latin American leftist forces to the phenomenon of anti-imperialism. The author emphasizes that anti-imperialism is a fundamental political principle that unites all the main left-wing “families” of Latin America and the Caribbean. Special attention is paid to the militant historical traditions of Latin American anti-imperialism, and author shows that historically this antiimperialism was primarily directed against US foreign policy. At the same time, the Latin American leftists’ anti-imperialism is based on the huge rejection of the neocolonial policies of the Western European powers in the Western Hemisphere. The author dwells on the activities of the Sao Paulo Forum, noting that anti-imperialist solidarity remains the basic principle for the activities of this leading international association of Latin America left-wing forces. Moreover, the anti-imperialism of the modern left-wing forces of Latin America is closely related to their commitment to internationalism. The author points out that anti-North American orientation is manifested in the views of the communist and left-wing populist parties, finding concrete expression in the foreign policy of the Latin American "socialist pole" and in the activities of such a subregional organization as ALBA. At the same time, anti-imperialist views are shared by other tendencies of the left movement of Latin America, including the parties of the radical left spectrum and that part of social democracy that is oriented towards the unity of left forces. However, their approaches to modern imperialism are more "pluralistic" and are not limited to exposing US foreign policy. The author also notes that the Latin American leftist forces see an alternative to the neo-imperial order in the systemic democratization of international relations and qualitative disarmament.

Anti-imperialism; imperialism; politics; USA; Latin America; parties; Left-Wing parties

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