Issue #27 in 2020 year, 193-202

Anarchist cinema in Spain and Historical Memory DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-27-1-193-202

E. Grantseva

The Spanish anarchism has had a significant impact on the history of Spanish cinema and left a mark on world cinema, moving from theory to innovative management and organization of the film industry, setting new goals and objectives, expanding the topics of both documentaries and feature films. In the 1936-1937s. under the auspices of the National Confederation of Labor, anarchist practices of socialization and collectivization spread to a significant part of the film industry and film distribution in the republican zone and played a significant role in the creation of the cinematic history of the Spanish Civil War. At the same time, libertarian cinema is a valuable source of information not only for studying the Spanish conflict itself, but also included in the agenda related to the problems of historical memory, the perception of the anarchist theme in the context of the history of the twentieth century and up to the present. 

Spain, anarchism, cinema, historical memory, socialization, National Confederation of Labour, SIE-films

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