Issue #19 in 2018 year, 316-336

Is an agreement possible? Historical memory of the events of the 20th century in the daily life and legislation of modern Spain

E. Grantseva

Spain, since the era of the transition from Francoism to democracy, seeks to share European values ​​and principles, but internal antagonisms continue to determine public sentiment and the political situation within the country. The "amnesty law", adopted in 1977, was positioned as an attempt at reconciliation, however for many Spaniards it became the "Pact of oblivion", provoking a new social confrontation. The law on "Recognizing rights and taking measures in the interests of persons subjected to persecution and violence during the years of the Civil War and the dictatorship" of 2007 was suspended in 2011. The issue of condemning crimes during the civil war of 1936-1939, and the Franco regime remains unresolved and exacerbates the long-standing confrontation between the two Spains, provoking a discussion on the revision of the legislation. The article analyzes the influence of the problems associated with historical memory on political discourse and the daily life of Spanish society.

Spain, Amnesty Law, historical memory, reconciliation, Spanish civil war 1936-1939, Francoism, confrontation

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