Issue #30 in 2021 year, 201-224

The photographic discourse of the funds of the Institute of History of Cuba. An analysis for new uses

O. Sánchez Caballero

Photography is the most widely found unwritten textual document in the archives. For this reason, we propose a first approach to the photographic funds of the historical archive of the Institute of History of Cuba (IHC) from a comprehensive perspective as a photographic corpus that carries a discourse and not in a fragmented way. For this we will use serialized reading, according to the themes, because it is in the collections and archival funds where photography acquires, as an informative medium, true meaning. We will refer only to documentary photography, which in its testimonial quality preserves the perishable to the collective memory by referring to what happened in concrete reality with a specific time and space, always from the subjectivity of the photographer, which is why it can be used as a historical source of knowledge. Through this work we propose a new institutional use, from the inside archive, that contributes to rescuing the patrimonial values of these funds as one of the essential photographic narratives of the history of Cuba and at the same time perfecting ourselves as public servants. It is not a simple case study, the Institute of History of Cuba is a unique institution in the network of social sciences in Cuba.

historical archive, photography, institutional uses, picture, History of Cuba, photographic funds, themes

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