Issue #31 in 2021 year, 126-160

Left-wing Regimes in Contemporary Latin America: Theoretical Concepts and Political Practice

Z. Iwanowski

The article examines contemporary approaches to the interpretation of left-wing political regimes and offers his own typology. Particular attention is paid to the fluctuations of the political pendulum in the region in the first decades of this century, the reasons for the successes and failures of the left forces. The author analyzes the ideology and practical activity of the center-left and radical left governments and comes to the conclusion that the persisting and even deepening disagreements between them are associated not only with the interpretation of the socialist ideas, the recognition of various forms of property, the role of the state in the economy, its social functions and foreign policy orientation, but also with the peculiarities of electoral legislation, ensuring political pluralism, forms of political participation and respect for human rights and civil liberties.

Latin America, political regimes, political shifts, center-left governments, left-wing radicalism, ideology, political practice

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