Issue #35 in 2022 year, 106-132

The Multifaceted Reaction in the Twenty-First Century: A New Stage in the Evolution of the Right

P. Stefanoni

The emergence of a new type of far right movements embodies something quite different from the conventional right-wing politics of the 80s or 90s. The thesis of this article is that we are facing more than just new forms of conservative reaction; the new right-wingers challenge the left on the disputed field of social nonconformism in a context in which the image of the "decadence of the West" resonates again. This political-cultural complex functions a lot like a rhizome, that is, as a structure without a center, without lines of pyramidal or arborescent subordination, without root or trunk, and without predefined articulating joints. Both the new political forces and the circulation of meaning on the Internet are giving shape to a new kind of anti-progressive reaction, with a transgressive spirit as one of its most connoted elements. While any idea of a thinkable future is in crisis, at least in the West, retro-utopias, conspirative paranoia and certain forms of resentment tend to multiply and draw from various sources of indignation. Some key words (cultural marxism, wokeism, new inquisition, etc.) contribute to the construction of discourses in which the left is assigned to the side of the elites while the reactionary right represents the working masses.

extrema derecha, corrección política, transgresión, decadencia de Occidente

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