Latin American Historical Almanac №35

Damier V.V. |
Spanish revolutionaries in the pacific deportation (1874–1877)…………….. |
7 |
Martínez Landa A. |
Denigrating films and their prohibition in the State of Veracruz, Mexico between 1922 and 1923….…………... |
39 |
Shubin A.V. |
Third Congress of the Comintern: Between the March Action and the United Front…………………………. |
55 |
Romanov R.R. |
Chile in Joseph R. Biden’s foreign policy doctrine: problems and prospects…………………………………
Political Rights in Iberoamerica
Stefanoni P. |
The Multifaceted Reaction in the Twenty-First Century: A New Stage in the Evolution of the Right…………… |
106 |
Iwanowski Z.W. |
“Right Drift” in Latin America: Causes, Outcomes, and Prospects................ |
133 |
Veselova I. |
Between church and state: The Catholic Youth Association of Mexico in the struggle for Christian social order........ |
161 |
Piatakov A.N. |
The right regime in Honduras: from stabilization towards destruction (2017-2021)………………………..... |
181 |
Kuzina N. A. |
The role of right-wing political forces in the formation of Catalan nationalism in the second half of the XIX century.…………………………………. |
214 |
Koval T.B. |
National Catholicism: ideas and practical results…………………………….. |
236 |
Filatov G.A. |
Church and party during the years of the first Francoism (1939‒1957)…… |
255 |
Table of contents
- V. Damier - Spanish revolutionaries in the pacific deportation (1874–1877) - 7-38
- A. Martínez Landa - Denigrating films and their prohibition in the State of Veracruz, Mexico between 1922 and 1923. - 39-54
- A. Shubin - Third Congress of the Comintern: Between the March Action and the "United Front" - 55-78
- R. Romanov - Chile in Joseph R. Biden’s foreign policy doctrine: problems and prospects - 79-105
- P. Stefanoni - The Multifaceted Reaction in the Twenty-First Century: A New Stage in the Evolution of the Right - 106-132
- Z. Iwanowski - “Right Drift” in Latin America: Causes, Outcomes, and Prospects - 133-160
- I. Veselova - МBetween church and state: The Catholic Youth Association of Mexico in the struggle for Christian social order - 161-180
- A. . Piatakov - The right regime in Honduras: from stabilization towards destruction (2017-2021) - 181-213
- N. Kuzina - The role of right-wing political forces in the formation of Catalan nationalism in the second half of the XIX century - 214-235
- T. Koval - National Catholicism: ideas and practical results - 236-254
- G. Filatov - Church and party during the years of the first Francoism (1939‒1957) - 255-275
- E. Grantseva - Oases in the desert? Intellectual journals of the early years of Francoism - 276-293