Issue #35 in 2022 year, 161-180

МBetween church and state: The Catholic Youth Association of Mexico in the struggle for Christian social order

I. Veselova

This article focuses on the history of the Mexican Catholic Youth Association (MCYA), one of a few Catholic organizations that emerged in Mexico in the early twentieth century. By examining the ideological foundations and activities of MCYA, the author identifies the reasons why this youth organization became the major social force in the conflict between the state and the church in Mexico in the second half of the 1920s. According to the author, the conflict was based on ideological confrontation: the idea of the Christian social order as an ideal type of social structure of the state collided with the new political course pursued by the Mexican government. In this situation, MCYA, which was conceived as a non-political organization, quickly shifted from participants' joint religious practices and social assistance to civil rights activism in response to anti-clerical state policies. The article also draws attention to the fact that MCYA was the forerunner of several other associations which were supposed to fight against various left-wing movements and, above all, socialist movements.

catholic church, cristeros, Mexico, catholic association, secularization

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