Issue #35 in 2022 year, 236-254

National Catholicism: ideas and practical results

T. Koval

The article deals with the Francoist ideology of "National Catholicism", according to which the Spanish nation (nation-state) is essentially identical to Catholicism. The author speaks about the origin of the term "National Catholicism" and analyzes the main provisions of this ideology. Much attention is paid to the contribution of the highest hierarchs of the Catholic Church in Spain of the thirties - forties of the twentieth century and their theological justification for the identification of the Spanish nation and religion. The author analyzes the reasons that led to the crisis and the erosion of this ideology, as well as the results of the Francoist policy of "re-Christianization" of the country. Also the sociological data of the religious aspects and national identity are given.

Spain, religion, Catholicism, church, National Catholicism, Hispanidad, spiritual mission, imperial ambitions, authoritarianism, religiosity, state, nation, identity

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