Issue #39 in 2023 year, 267-289

Spanish novels of Lion Feuchtwanger

Y. V. Vasilenko

The article analyzes two novels of L. Feuchtwanger devoted to the Spanish theme – «Goya» and «The Jewess of Toledo». To be based on the classic plots of Spanish history – two tragic «une histoire d`amour» – Feuchtwanger seeks to establish the ideals of Humanism and the Enlightenment. Raising such issues as the artist and power, politics and love, progress and religion, the struggle between Good and Evil (Light and Darkness), the Black Legend and the role of the Jews in medieval Spain, Feuchtwanger is forced to come to the conclusion that human nature and intellect are imperfect. The author of the article shows that a deep historiosophy is hidden behind the artistic content, and Feuchtwanger conducts a constant and intense dialogue with his contemporaries.

Feuchtwanger, medieval Spain, Goya, Spanish ballad

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