«Let’s protect the Second Spanish Republic!» volunteers from English-speaking countries and their support for the Second Republic during the Spanish Civil War, 1936 - 1939 (historiographical essay)
The Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, which in many aspects was a "rehearsal" for the Second World War, attracted the interest of the world community almost from the very beginning and caused an unprecedented surge of volunteerism, acting in opposition to the "non-intervention policy" of the League of Nations. The biographies of thousands of volunteers from 54 countries have been studied in varying detailed elaboration, and some aspects remain unexplored to this day. Volunteers from English-speaking countries, who have traditionally received little attention in Russian historiography, deserve special attention. In this paper we attempt a brief historiographical analysis of this topic using materials from Russian and foreign studies: monographic literature, essays and publications by researchers from the USA, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, as well as digital archives, document databases and other Internet resources.
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