Issue #42 in 2024 year, 203-220

Building Turkey's Image in Latin America

G. Sefer

Image is an important concept not only for the individuals, but also for the states, which have an inherent desire to create a favourable image in their relations with other countries, and international organisations and the international community as a whole. In the modern world, with more and more means and opportunities for interaction and communication, states develop and implement systematic public policies to further enhance their international image. The policy makers of the Turkısh Republıc are actively pursuing an image-buıldıng policy in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans, as well as in distant geographies such as Latin America, in order to improve Turkey's image positively with arguments supported by Islamic identity, Turkish nationalism and the claim of an imperial heritage. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Turkey has paid great attention to the formation of its positive image in different regions of the world. This study focuses on Turkey's policy on its foreıgn image in Latin America.

Turkey, Image Theory, Latin America, Image state, Policy-makers

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