“Pink Tide” in Latin America: Strategy and Tactics of the New Left
The article examines the main ideological currents of the Latin American left, the reasons for the “left drift” of the early 21st century, so as the particularities and consequences of the new “pink wave.” The author notes that despite the radical slogans, the new left is closer to the center-left preaching the ideas of social democracy. Unlike classical Marxists, they do not offer a model of an alternative society. In the economic sphere, priority is given not to economic growth, but to the development of science, innovative technologies and digitalization, the social sphere is based on solving pressing problems and greater justice. The new generation of leftists advocates strict adherence to democratic principles; the environmental component also occupies a large place in their programs. Priority attention is paid to overcoming the discrimination of various categories of citizens, to social inclusion and gender issues.Foreign policy is based on multi-vector and mutually beneficial relations with all states.
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