Issue #35 in 2022 year, 133-160

“Right Drift” in Latin America: Causes, Outcomes, and Prospects

Z. Iwanowski

After the "golden decade" (2003 - 2013) in Latin America came the period of economic stagnation and the deterioration of the social situation, aggravated by the pandemic. The author analyzes the reasons for the defeat of the left political forces in the elections and the onset of the so-called "right drift". Special attention is paid to the ideology and practical activities of the governments of the right spectrum, to the particularities of various case studies and to the negative consequences of the “right turn” for the region. The return to the corrected neo-liberal model did not lead to the expected economic efficiency and did not contribute to the solution of accumulated social problems. That is why at the beginning of the new electoral cycle, protest voting again plays a key role. The traditional and new left, having strengthened their positions, received another chance to restrain centrifugal tendencies in the sphere of economic and political integration, to restore “unity in diversity” of Latin America and to contribute to the creation of a polycentric world. If the leftist governments do not realize these opportunities, in the future the political pendulum may again swing to the right.

Latin America, political regimes, electoral processes, right-wing drift, ideological currents, political practice, political landscape.

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